Sunday, September 13, 2009


Talk about a crappy week. Actually, let's not, okay? Moving along, I refuse to have another week like the last!

So, enough of feeling sorry for myself, being a grump, and feeling sick.  I will be accountable for my mood. I will let more light in. I will take charge. Watch out world.

Also, I am starting a 3 week detox diet that I found here. I'm hoping it will help me kick this lingering sickness and boost me out of this little gray rain cloud.

Anyone care to join me?


  1. ok, you know I am NOT a health nut...but that actually doesn't look that bad! However, that being said, I have got NO idea where to get 1/2 of the ingredients for the smoothies. * 1 scoop of a complete nutritional, whey protein fortified powder (not soy protein)
    * 1/2 cup blueberries
    * 1 scoop of a ProGreens type of powder (preferably with probiotics)
    * 1 1/2 cups almond milk

    ***pro greens? whey protien
    fortified powder? what is that?

  2. Sorry you've been sick, that's no fun. You are in my prayers and I have faith your gray clouds will soon disappear.

  3. I've been planning on doing this cleanse (with my co-workers), but I think we're starting next week. If you're starting this week maybe you can give me some tips. Or you can wait and start it with me so we feel bad for each other the whole time :)

    Sorry you had a bad week.

  4. I would totally do this cleanse if the ingredients were presented before me. I, too, have been battling something that won't go away, and now suffering with a side-effect of it. BUT since I'm suffering, I won't be going to the store to buy these things, and I need to try to just keep up with my household!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes for you. Letting more light in... that sounds so nice, too. Just decided myself to be a happier person and smile & laugh more -- as soon as I can do it without wincing in excruciating pain. =) =) =)

  5. I've been a little sick too, but since I'm nursing a baby a cleanse would probably not go over well. But I'll try a mental cleanse and a detox for my house and see where that takes me instead!

  6. If only I had read this post before I talked to you Monday surely I could've said something to make you happy instead of talk about myself. :) I told Angela I'm too lazy to do that cleanse, but maybe I won't feel so lazy next week.

    Love ya.
