1. Cannon Rebel T1i
You probably know how long I've waited for this camera. It is my Christmas present this year, but yes, I've already opened it and used it. It's a beauty. Here are the geeky specs: 50D's sensor (a 15.1 megapixel CMOS with sensitivities up to ISO 12,800) and 5D-Mark-II-like 1080p video capture. Costco has a deal going until January 15 for this camera body, plus two lenses and a 4gb SDHC card for $799. Incredible.

2. Grandeur Luxury Towel
Again, from Costco. Hygro Cotton, which means it's small in the washer and fluffy coming out of the dryer. Every guest that uses these towels asks where I bought them. Under $8.
3. L'Oreal Double Extend Beauty Tubes Mascara
Finally. After 19 years of searching, we've found each other—water-proof, smudge-proof, and goes on without clumping. Even if you don't want the undercoating that really does make your eyelashes longer, use the mascara part alone. This mascara is as close to perfect as it gets.
4. Biolage Cooling Mint Conditioner
Cooling Mint Conditioner cleanses and awakens the scalp and hair with an energizing scent for an uplifting experience. Works great with my new short hair.If you are looking for a great online fabric source, try here. I ordered fabric and paid extra for shipping and it came the NEXT day, before 10am, wrapped up in tissue paper, tied with a bow, with a hand written personal note. Their prices are the lowest you will find on designer fabrics like Amy Butler and Joel Dewberry. A perfect apron-making source.
6. Eureka Lemon Tree
Purchased at Home Depot in Lindon, UT for $14.95 (weird, I can usually only find these in Arizona. I've never seen one there before or since). Lives in a pot outside when the weather is nice, and then comes inside for the winter where it blooms and fills my home with a heavenly scent.

7. Green Smoothie
I got this recipe from the cleanse I started in October, but this has become an almost daily habit for me. I love seeing that bright green color in a glass every morning. The original fast food.
Green Smoothie
blend until smooth:
1 1/2 cups almond milk*
2-3 leaves black kale (or any other greens)
Then add:
3/4 cups frozen mango chunks (or any other frozen fruit)
1/4 avocado
Blend again until smooth. Serves 1.
*you can use whatever kind of milk you want, but I think almond milk is one of the things that makes this smoothie so delicious
According to their website, this non-profit organization's mission is "to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth. Heifer does this by providing appropriate livestock, training and related services to small-scale farmers and communities worldwide."
You donate, Heifer gives the flock of geese, the water buffalo, or whatever is most needed and teaches the recipient how to care for their gift animals. The recipient agree to share the offspring of gift animals and the cycle continues.
9. Voss. Artesian water bottled at the source in Norway. Comes in a glass bottle, and makes me feel like I am really in Norwegian fjord country.
10. Owl City: Ocean Eyes album
Effervescent electronica with a geeky sounding male vocalist. If I could dream up my favorite musical sounds, this would be the result. Favorite songs on the album: Fireflies and Vanilla Twilight.
11.Women's Perfect Khakis from Old Navy
Yes, these pants are so awesome that they compelled me to add another item to my top ten list. Boot-cut, smooth, brushed twill, and works some magic with my rear end that even Mr. Coleman noticed. My favorite colors: jalepeño and whistler blue (shown).