I'd like to title this picture: Why I Haven't Started A Blog Until Now. Look carefully. See what Lucas has in his hands? That's right, my most favorite Christmas present ever (thank you Ryan and Kathryn). Our razor sharp J.A. Henkels knife. What better way to pass the time on a beautiful fall afternoon while Mom is figuring out how to create a blog. Can you chop the carrots and potatoes for tonight's chicken noodle soup while your at it, son? Thanks. Mom will be right up to supervise you.
Well, welcome to my blog anyhow. This first post will be a smorgasbord-ish smattering of events and thoughts from the past month. Enjoy, but plan on future posts being sporadic and disjointed. That's just how I roll.

Hope your Halloween was as frightfully delightful as ours was (complete with an 18-inch-high Best Child's Costume trophy for Micah at our ward's Trunk-or-Treat)

This is my brother and I. If we could talk him into getting some highlights and waxing his eyebrows, people may start mistaking us for twins. I've always felt like we shared more DNA than anyone else, and here is the proof.
Mr. Coleman and I went to visit Mr. SPM at his rehab two weeks ago. It was scary/emotional/exciting/hopeful. I could recognize a tiny spark of who he really is, inside the shell that we have known for the last several years. Keep praying. Keep hoping. Miracles are occurring.

Five years ago the Coleman family welcomed a tiny, delicate 5 pound baby girl during a dark and wintry period of our lives. She has been the special sparkle that has brightened uncounted moments since then. She celebrated her birthday with friends. They danced, ate cake, played games and LAUGHED.
Hooray! I am so excited you have a blog. Now we'll have a new mission when we're in Utah: convince Emily to start one too. :)
ReplyDeleteDon't ask why this post made me cry. Maybe it's because I will never make cool costumes for my kids like you do. Maybe it's because I never realized you and Steven looked so similar. Maybe it's because I am overjoyed that you have a blog for me to love. Or maybe it's because Emma is undoubtedly a tender mercy of the Lord.
Can't wait to see you!
Ditto to Anna's comment, except the part when she said, "when we're in Utah" cause I would really LOVE to go but someone has to stay home with the kiddos.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you have a blog to keep us posted on things. It does worry me though everytime I hear someone else has been reading ours, like: do they think I'm stupid, do I write okay, have I made silly comments...? Happy Blogging.
Woo hoo! I'm so glad you started a blog. :) Your kids' costumes were really cute.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the blogging world. It's good to have you here. I can really appreciate your first picture of your two year old holding a very sharp knife. I totally understand how that feels. Aaaaaa!
ReplyDeleteIf you feel so inclined to put a link to my blog, please use this address http://hardeyfamily.blogspot.com/ It's public blog that I don't post on but use it to find long lost friends. I'll send you an invite to our private one.
Love, love, love it! I can totally hear you as I am reading your words. :)
ReplyDeleteThe costumes were great! And you last little bit about Emma brought tears to my eyes. You are so eloquent. Maybe you should write a book or something.....
Welcome to the blogging community. I love reading your inner thoughts. and the Gnome costumes are outrageous!
ReplyDeleteOh yeah. I finally get to see pictures of your cute kiddos! Love the Halloween costumes. I wanna know if they thought of them or if you guys did, super awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad my kids aren't the only ones that do terrifying, crazy things. That looks like a pretty nice knife. :)
Here is the link to my public blog www.ourcomicstrip.blogspot.com.
Welcome to the blog world! Your kid's halloween costumes are adorable!
ReplyDeleteYAY! I'm so happy. Now I can admire my amazing sister and her darling family even more. I love you guys - I'm beyond excited to see you all.
ReplyDeleteSuddenly my life feels much more complete.