Thursday, December 16, 2010

my renters

we own the house next to ours and rent it out, currently to my brothers daniel and steven. aren't they cute

this picture is for all my family that will not get to see them this christmas because they {my brothers} are official adults now and cannot afford to take work off for long enough to make the drive down to az...yet. they're working hard and saving up for a vehicle.


  1. thank you for this. wish i could give them a hug.

    so, since you'll be here for my birthday...and i took that day off work... and i get free meals at the joe's restaurants on my birthday... how about joe's farm grill for breakfast and liberty market for dinner (have you been there yet? you'll really like it). no is not an accepted answer.

  2. awww. after talking to daniel on his birthday i got a little sad realizing they won't be around on christmas. give them a hug for me, please. and thanks for the pictures.

  3. daniel is only four so this cannot be:)

  4. that will be so fun. =) wish I had a house Scott could rent while he's off track at BYUI this next semester. he's going to live with Aaron, and I'm so jealous.
