sometime around 1990 i got my first walkman. i spent hours listening to the radio, waiting for my favorite songs to come on, finger trigger-ready to hit the record button as soon as i heard the opening notes.
i made a running mixtape in high school that i ran to (the same 20 songs) until mr. coleman bought me a discman in 1997. then i burned most of the same songs onto a cd and continued running to them. can you believe i ran to the same 20 songs for 10 years?
pictured above is my first ipod, a second generation ipod nano, and the one i now use for running. it appears to be on the fritz, which is making me weepy.
cute, light, friendly little ipod nano: do not die on me. we have weathered the storms of life together.
the technology for the ipod is fascinating and a blessing i'm grateful for every day. hooray for apple and their brilliant inventors and industrial designers! huzzah for mp3s!
now, i'm still running to some of those same songs. crazy, i know, like pavlov's dogs, i feel like running every time i hear some of them; i just can't quit them.
i do enjoy finding new running music. my favorite source for new discoveries is the music section of the nike plus website. they have a new suggestion every week in several genres. of course, i love me some indie music.
and now for you all, a playlist with old and new favorites: (i always start my runs out with the first song. these words are a great way to start out a day: "today is the greatest day i've ever known")
today / smashing pumpkins
i want you back / the jackson 5
up around the bend / creedence clearwater revival
a little respect / erasure
don't go / yaz
rag doll / aerosmith
friday i'm in love / the cure
remember you / skid row
make some noise / beastie boys
captive / sarah harmer
burning / whitest boy alive
running with the wolves / cloud cult
giving up the gun / vampire weekend
techno fan / wombats
under cover of darkness / the strokes
block after block / matt & kim
am/fm sound / matt & kim
repatriated / handsome furs
shoelaces / the submarines
colours run / bear driver
we don't want your body / stars
the passenger / stars
i melt with you (modern english cover) / the coastals
sadie hawkins day / yip deceiver
as usual, let me know if you'd like a mixtape...then pay for the music if you love it.